Thursday, July 13, 6 – 8 p.m.
Gallery Talk by the Artists: Friday, July 14, 6:30 p.m.
Summer Gallery Hours (July 13-28): Monday-Saturday, 1 – 6 p.m., closed on Sundays
All events are free and open to the public
This exhibition showcases the work that recent participants have made at the 2017 Women's Art Institute – a summer art course at St. Catherine University for contemporary women artists of all ages and disciplines. As a community that shares, reflects and creates, this culmination of four weeks of intensive studio work and study reveals the concerns of women artists today.
Artist Participants
Karie Amstutz, Ann Blatzheim, Karen Brubak, Elizabeth Cleary, Jessica Dornfeld, Kari Fosse, Kris Fryckman, Breanna Goudeau, Laura Grant, Ana Laura Juarez, Vatina McLaurin, Kathy Michaelson, Taylor Montgomery, Claudia Poser, Suzanne Runte, Joni Van Bockel, Kate Vinson & Teresa Widiger
Patricia Olson & AK Garski
Teaching Assistants
Bre Atkinson & Marjorie Fedyszyn
Co-sponsored by the Department of Art and Art History of St. Catherine University and the Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

How can I be aware of my privilege and relationship to history? What is my responsibility to society and others? These were the first questions established for consideration by the participants in the 2017 Women’s Art Institute Summer Studio Intensive in their just-completed four-week course. Each of the 18 women artists created a new body of work from which this exhibition is curated by co-instructors Anna Garski and myself. Along the way, the artists shared their artwork and hopes, attended a rollicking seminar and critiques with visiting artist Jess Larson, enjoyed a sumptuous banquet organized by our intrepid teaching assistants, and focused deeply in the triumphant final critiques with founder Elizabeth Erickson. Ranging in age from 21 to 77, the participants explored a wide range of new directions, often surprising themselves and asking: How do I become clear and rooted in my identity as an artist?
- Patricia Olson, Director of the Women's Art Institute
Patricia Olson
Patricia Olson is the Institute director and associate professor in the Department of Art and Art History at St. Catherine University. She has practiced painting and design for more than 30 years and is a founding member of the Women’s Art Resources of Minnesota (WARM). She received an MFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design.
A.K. Garski (they/them/theirs)
Co-instructor AK Garski is a painter who also creates installations and performance art. Garski has a long history of commitment to the Women’s Art Institute: they first attended as a student, and have served twice as a teaching assistant. Garski is a magna cum laude graduate of St. Catherine University with a double major in studio art and women’s studies, and earned their MFA and MA in History and Theory of Contemporary Art from the San Francisco Art Institute.
Image Gallery
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